WTF people?!

By Anonymous - 26/04/2020 08:00

Today, as an essential worker, some lady tore me a new one because we were out of large sanitizer bottles. Our doors opened at 9 a.m. and she didn't show up until 2 p.m. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 679
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ViviMage 39

If you can't find any premade hand sanitizers: Just refill your bottle with a 2:1 proportion of rubbing alcohol 70% to aloe vera gel. You can even add essential oils like lavender or food coloring if you like yours green. This works better than ripping a new one on the poor worker who is just trying to do their job in a natural disaster.

Sorry for all the asshats that do that to you.


"The customer's always _____." Yeah, I don't know, either. That explains my two-week career in retail. Pro-tip: a sarcastic "there" is not an acceptable answer.

ViviMage 39

If you can't find any premade hand sanitizers: Just refill your bottle with a 2:1 proportion of rubbing alcohol 70% to aloe vera gel. You can even add essential oils like lavender or food coloring if you like yours green. This works better than ripping a new one on the poor worker who is just trying to do their job in a natural disaster.

The most popular recipe circulating on social media calls for two parts of 91 percent rubbing alcohol and one part aloe vera gel. If you measure it precisely, that should give you a final brew of 60.6 percent alcohol — just a fraction above the 60 percent alcohol content recommended by public health officials. If you goof and get a bottle of only 70 percent isopropyl alcohol — the final homemade sanitizer will contain less than 47 percent alcohol, not enough to effectively kill most germs.

That’s a great idea but all stores are out of rubbing alcohol also...

Sorry for all the asshats that do that to you.

*Runs to check the back, comes back with one.* Great news! I found one! *Gives to the person standing next to her that wasnt being a prick.*

uniformed 13

you spelled stock boy wrong.