By Faker - 16/10/2012 21:44 - United States

Today, while shopping, an old man came up to me and told me I should be ashamed for walking around fake limping, and that it's horrible to mock people who actually limp from serious injuries. I wasn't faking, I was born without my right leg and I was getting used to my new prosthetic one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 003
You deserved it 1 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that_guy666 3

people are always quick to judge. I'm proud of you OP keep fighting and I wish you the best of luck! it takes a lot of courage. :)

Shoulda shown him your prosthetic leg. No need to respect your elders if they don't respect you.


I would have cussed him up one side and down the other! That's so rude

Old people wouldn't be here with out them.

noisebox 1

Your prosthetic was convincing enough to make him think it was real? Congrats OP!

I know an old guy that I can imagine saying something like that (a customer at work). He constantly acts like the world owes him something, very confrontational and impatient, then acts surprised when people aren't particularly nice to him. The guy in this FML sounds the same way. Poor OP :(

You should have lifted your pant leg and told him off. He wouldve felt like crap :) wouldnt you? But he would totalley desecre it. Sorry he was such a jerk, hope you have a nice day

Xxlaurahatakexx 9

I hope you told the ****** off.

penguindude82 2

Thats when you say "You're right, I shouldnt pretend to be injured," and drive the nearest sharp object into your prosthetic to blow his mind.

Wow what a jerk!! He should just mind his own business!!!