By Faker - 16/10/2012 21:44 - United States

Today, while shopping, an old man came up to me and told me I should be ashamed for walking around fake limping, and that it's horrible to mock people who actually limp from serious injuries. I wasn't faking, I was born without my right leg and I was getting used to my new prosthetic one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 003
You deserved it 1 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that_guy666 3

people are always quick to judge. I'm proud of you OP keep fighting and I wish you the best of luck! it takes a lot of courage. :)

Shoulda shown him your prosthetic leg. No need to respect your elders if they don't respect you.


sorrowsangel89 1

I'll punch him for u if u want. Stupid ignorant man.

wow so tell my again how the hell did someone click the "you deserve it" button!! this isnt even funny.

Think of the look on his face when OP showed her leg! Lol that asslump

Hydromicide 6

You should've beat that guys ass with your prosthetic leg.

Who would be evil enough to click YDI on this one? I mean that's basically saying you deserved it for being born without your right leg! Best of wishes OP, stay strong!!! :)))

superbubbles 4

You should have taken it off for him and shown him.

Take is as a compliment that you're doing as well as you are an that he didn't even know it wasn't your born leg. Keep trucking. You're doing great.

PhishloverA 14

That guy's a hypocrite. You should've kicked him with your prosthetic leg. No but seriously he is but of a hypocrite if you really think about it

yourmofo 6

Tell him that he shouldn't dress like a old man and that's a shame to use senior discounts and cheat the system.