By NoPainNoGain - 05/06/2009 05:03 - United States

Today, while running on the treadmill at the gym, the girl next to me slipped and went flying back against the wall. Indecisive whether to get off and help her or to just keep going, I lost my focus and footing and flew back next to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 469
You deserved it 118


ohhhhshizzz 0

This sounds like the beginning of a romantic comedy:] lmao. Can you chew gum & walk at the same time?????

SayNo2Quack 0

Why would you not get off and help the girl? Maybe u just thought of a faster way to get off.

captainmaharet 1

Sounds like the start of a great relationship! Imagine the stories you can tell your friends and family.

jacquelinexlee 0

YDI for being selfish and not helpiing her ...tredmills are not hard to use im a runner myself and i often use them when its icy out and their really not hard to use

I just love the fact that he put this one under health. Haha

Now you have a story to tell your grandchildren. You got the girl's number, right?

xoxcassandraaxox 0

Lol are you guys friends now??

rockinbalr14 0

"whoa are you alright? next time be care..". *thud* "hey girl how YOU doin?" hahaha fyl

rockinbalr14 0

"... And that's how I met your mother.." hahahahaahah