By NoPainNoGain - 05/06/2009 05:03 - United States

Today, while running on the treadmill at the gym, the girl next to me slipped and went flying back against the wall. Indecisive whether to get off and help her or to just keep going, I lost my focus and footing and flew back next to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 469
You deserved it 118


SonOfACracker 0

Ehhhh.....YDI for not seeing this is a good thing. If she's hot it's a great thing to talk about over dinner. Player Points hahaha.

You should've asked her out on a date, that's a funny way to meet someone

You had to think about whether to help her or not?! YDI asshole


not really a ydi.. i seriously doubt most people jump to the aid of everyone they see who might need help, and plus you were running, i know when im in the middle of a set or running i dont want to have to stop halfway through, it ruins that whole exercise. the only way i would have stopped would be if i thought she was rather cute, and i was looking for someone. but still, im personally not really attracted to someone uncoordinated enough to fall on a treadmill.

at least she probably wasn't as embarassed. you could get a good laugh.

Well... that's one way to meet a girl I guess... haha

Perfect way to break the ice and start a conversation