By NoPainNoGain - 05/06/2009 05:03 - United States

Today, while running on the treadmill at the gym, the girl next to me slipped and went flying back against the wall. Indecisive whether to get off and help her or to just keep going, I lost my focus and footing and flew back next to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 469
You deserved it 117


"Indecisive whether to get off and help her or to just keep going" Douche.

You kinda deserved it, the nice thing to do is help her instead of being insensative. How would you feel if you fell off, potentially hurt yourself, and everyone around you continued their routine with a few side way glances? Bet you wouldn't feel so good about yourself. Next time, turn off the machine and help people out.

haha i have done something just like that befoe XD

coffeennicotine 0

YDI for not knowing whether to help someone or not. She could have been hurt. Asshole

mushrumpiggy1 0

Depends... Did u get a date? Like... This is an akward way to meet, but deffinitly funny stuff man bravo

#34, if for some reason OP was using a treadmill on a plane...then your argument would be valid. Otherwise, there's no relevance on what you said. OP wasn't in an immediate danger that he/she needed to take care of his/herself first, it was OP's lack of coordination that caused him/her to fall. #96, it is human nature to help someone in pain/in need. But Western society places a stigma on that type of behavior. Certain laws actually state that you HAVE to ask if a person wants to be helped or not...if you don't ask and act to help a person (even save their life) they can technically sue you. @OP, YDI for not just acting, or at least pausing to ask her if she was okay or needed help.

@118 you sound like a ******* retard I would have been laughing so damn hard the dumb bitch should have been paying attention and you don't need to write 80 paragraphs in one comment ****

Falling is like yawning. Contagious apparently...

okenter 0

YDI because you had to think about whether or not to help. Hint: if it happens again, always offer to help.

#121, people like you are why this world is turning to shit. Would you have preferred that I wrote "80" paragraphs on 80 different comments?