By Anonymous - 28/04/2009 04:38 - United States

Today, while working at Wendy's my boss approached me and told me the District Manager wanted to talk to me. I had been given a substantial raise the day before so I thought he was going to promote me to manager. Wrong, he told me I was being fired for eating a 99 cent cheeseburger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 993
You deserved it 16 684

pokandy tells us more.

pokandy 0

Clear some things up. I had been working there for 4 1/2 years. Everyone at the store eats on the job and I was the only one to get fired. Never had any disiplinary problems before. The Store owners 14 year old son saw me eat the burger while working and told his dad who in turn told the DM. My regular manager didnt even know about it and was as blindsided as me. I offered to pay for the burger even double or triple for it but my DM could not see it any other way and canned my ass. O well. FML

Top comments

You mean you can get fired for stealing from your job? THIS IS NEWS!

Seems a gray area to me. It's bullshit to be fired for such a trivial thing, though since you got your raise, wouldn't you have been able to afford to purchase the cheeseburger?


Seems a gray area to me. It's bullshit to be fired for such a trivial thing, though since you got your raise, wouldn't you have been able to afford to purchase the cheeseburger?

thats sad like i work at wendys as well and we like eat well working all the time though its easyer bc i work closes but still thats dumb

dd809 9

And that is why she works at Wendy's.

Ilovemisery 6

Maybe you work there because you can't speak correctly.

I think its funny that you seem to have tried to sound smart by throwing 'as well' in there , but the rest of your comment really kinda butchers that part. Ya know what I mean?

On a more helpful note, here's an attempted translation; That's sad, I work at Wendy's too. We eat while we are working the majority of the time, even though I work pretty close. But still that's pretty shit.

Wait what? I always thought employees at fast food joints were permitted one free meal while on shift or something... And if that's not the case anymore, I'm pretty sure someone that JUST got a raise wouldn't steal food... What the hell? This doesn't smell right at all, especially if you're innocent here.

tbabyfosho 7

no, they give you 50% off one time a half an hour before or after your shift. if you have anymoney left to buy it on the shitty wages you make. hopefully you get one or two nice managers who look out for you.

That's not true for all fast food joints, I used to work at McDonald's and you get one free meal per shift. Also if you'd work closing managers usually give you the food to take home instead of throwing it away.

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You mean you can get fired for stealing from your job? THIS IS NEWS!

Shit I can? Damnit hope I don't get caught putting back this crap...

I'm pretty sure you should get a written warning for such a minor offence on the back of a pay rise, but you did steal from the company. Still worthy of a FYL

I guess it depends on where you got that cheeseburger? Like... If you got it from McDonald's or Burger King.

But what if she went to Burger King and ate the burger in front of the customers. That would be as if she was saying that she didn't like Wendy's food. ON SHIFT.

PYLrulz 17

Getting the DM to fire you. Thats pretty balless by your manager. And unless you have had many offenses before, or there was a recent crackdown, that is way over the line. FYL indeed

Agree with 7. Like how Britney got fired from Pepsi for drinking Coke haha!!

SmoothTalker 0

Jesus Christ people it's a *******'s not like stealing shitloads of office supplies damn