By underachiever - 20/02/2010 07:29 - Australia

Today, while on my graveyard shift at an inner-city backpackers lodge, a drunk pissed in a dorm at 4am. I had to clean up after him, wash all the luggage that got dowsed, clean up 2 separate piles of puke, and help 3 drunken Brits back to their room while they abused me. I have a science degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 021
You deserved it 3 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jasonsaied 1

where the hell do you guys see unconscious poms?

oh god, i read "unconscious poms" as "unicorn ****"...


sportsnut 0

if you can't say something like "a chemistry" degree, then you went to school and got the much easier and significantly less desirable sociology, psychology, ecology, or similar degree. YDI for taking the easy way out while trying to claim to be smart

Ajjas013 6

That's why you kill 'em first. Nothing like the feeling of ******* a lifeless animal body :)

Ajjas013 6

In the meantime, please enjoy this pre-taped video of an odd man dry-humping an inflatable walrus!

grimspook76 0

We Grammar Nazis only really care about people getting your and you're wrong... And maybe there, their and they're... And possibly then and than... But that's it, okay? D:

Worse*, beat* and you forgot to capitalize bad and can't. Ha. Grammar powers, activate! *Flies away*

YDI for not realising that the only thing you can do with a science degree is become a high school teacher. Oh, and on the note of Kiwis & Aussies being discriminated against for our use of the English language, what is up the red squiggly "YOUSPELTTHISWORDWRONG!!!" line under "realising" as I am typing this?? Do I really have to spell it the horribly American way of "realizing"??

Capitalise* English Grammar Nazi, away! :D

The science degree has nothing to do with this. "I cleaned up some guys piss today at work. I'm wearing red shoes. FML."

What he's trying to say is that he went to college and worked to get a degree, and instead of having a creditable job, he cleans up other people's puke at 4 in the morning, just because you're an idiot who likes to talk about your shoes, doesn't mean that what he said didn't make any sense