By Anonymous - 13/10/2012 11:37 - United States

Today, while my husband and I are both stuck in the bathroom from food poisoning, our 3-year-old son is taking advantage of his freedom. All I can hear is banging noises and wild laughter. I'm afraid to leave the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 164
You deserved it 2 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call someone to come pick him up. Then you and your husband can get well and clean up the messes he made.


Get a trash can with a bag in it. Carry it around with you. Do your shit and be comfortable on your phone OUT of the bathroom. Unless you have diarrhea....then the next time you're out, grab throwable objects and every time you hear something and he passes by throw something at him *sarcasm*

mylifebelike1234 6

Why would you have time too write an fml?, or even think about writing one?, like seriously wouldn't you be too sick too even think about that...wouldnt you be worried at the fact that your 3 year old child is running ramped in your house but you know i guess you have time too write an fml... lolwut

Nobody ever uses a mobile device that can submit FML posts while stuck on the toilet for hours crapping their brains out. Nope that's never happened, ever in the history of time. People consistently just sit and wallow in the misery of food poisoning the whole time, and read books. They would never be sitting worrying about what their 3 year old is doing, unable to stop it, and think "well **** my life, hey I guess I have opportunity and reason to submit an FML." Nope couldn't happen.

Bludmagnus 13

If this is true, simple answer to teach your son a lesson. Put laxatives in his dessert and see how he likes being trapped and crapping and puking all night and day. Sometimes, the punishment has to fit the crime, so also spend the time laughing at him.

natalie7087 1

And yet you managed to write this fml in the meantime?