By laptitesouris - 31/03/2013 23:35 - France - Pertuis

Today, one of my 5-year-old son's teeth fell out, but he's quite scatterbrained and he lost it. He did however find my vibrating duck under my pillow, and is now crying because he thinks that I stole his tooth so that the tooth fairy would bring me a toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 502
You deserved it 80

Top comments

Just put a coin under his pillow and explain the tooth fairy knew he lost his tooth and she's still giving him his coin. That's how my parents lied to me so why not?

ShananaginsLOL 13

Maybe it's a vibrating dick....damn auto correct... She could be talking about a *****


You thief! Shame on you, how dare you steal a tooth for your own gain. From your child at that -__-

Can you believe the nerve of some people?

musicluvr2000 11

Can you believe the idiocy of some people?

ShananaginsLOL 13

Maybe it's a vibrating dick....damn auto correct... She could be talking about a *****

I was wondering that too, but at any rate if it's a sex toy the parent deserves it for putting this where it can be found. Kids may be good at finding stuff because they snoop around, but when it comes to that kind of thing it should be under lock and key at all times if you have kids.

Just put a coin under his pillow and explain the tooth fairy knew he lost his tooth and she's still giving him his coin. That's how my parents lied to me so why not?

109, the tooth fairy as a whole is a lie. so is Santa, as well as the Easter Bunny. you wanna take away a kid's childhood?

Tell him you lost a tooth and the tooth fairy brought that for you. Then get him a little toy tomorrow.

The vibrating duck makes it move in the water while you bathe!! Come on people! :P

Sir_ND_Pity 35

Gets the man on OP's little boat going as well? ;)

Why don't you give him the duck? It's only fair.

Hey, good idea. We can just give him a bunch of ****** too and it should make up for everything!

I think she's talking about one of those waterproof vibrating rubber duckies - they're disguised to look like a bath toy. It's not like a realistic duck blow up doll...