By Anonymous - 27/11/2010 14:48 - United States

Today, while making love to my boyfriend, my sister called my cell phone. Not wanting to face the consequences of not answering, I had a long conversation with her. My boyfriend kept going. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 278
You deserved it 44 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely you could've just called her back when you were done? Or answered, said you were busy and would call back later or something along those lines? Next time; turn your phone off. :P


gigity 0

joseph, some guys refer to it as making love. not all guys are just in it for f*cking or sex.

abasio 1

what are the consequences of not answering your sisters call? This is just stupid.

YDI For disrespecting your boyfriend like that. Not only do you answer the phone but you expect him to stop? Bitch.

I actually think that's HOTTT! I did the same thousand times (except the drog-dealer thing). Just keep it kinky!!!

*it was meant to reply to #65-Celina's comment. Ups!

Sinkhole 26

Ah, squeakz ruined the fun! I liked Pen's take on the story better, I wanted to know what he thought OP's conversation with her sister was about, now we'll never know :(

fukkuidc 0

YDI. Why are you afraid to miss your sisters phone call? And why didn't you make him stop.

doof_fisch 2

Obviously your boyfriend thought you had Virgin Mobile.

why the hell would you have your phone on during sex anyways?