By Anonymous - 27/11/2010 14:48 - United States

Today, while making love to my boyfriend, my sister called my cell phone. Not wanting to face the consequences of not answering, I had a long conversation with her. My boyfriend kept going. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 278
You deserved it 44 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely you could've just called her back when you were done? Or answered, said you were busy and would call back later or something along those lines? Next time; turn your phone off. :P


That's not making love, that's him using you to get off :T

the consequences of not answering??? what the hell was she going to do about it?

face the consequences of not answering? wtf? it's your phone and guess what..You don't have to answer it. that's ridiculous.

face the consequences of not answering? wtf? why must you always answer? isn't it possible that you're busy? ydi

randybryant799 20

Not wanting to face the consequences if you didn't answer? What the hell could she possibly do?