By Anonymous - 27/11/2010 14:48 - United States

Today, while making love to my boyfriend, my sister called my cell phone. Not wanting to face the consequences of not answering, I had a long conversation with her. My boyfriend kept going. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 278
You deserved it 44 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely you could've just called her back when you were done? Or answered, said you were busy and would call back later or something along those lines? Next time; turn your phone off. :P


was that an awkward conversation... I feel like if would be...

JakeDHS07 0

Good for him. I would have kept going to. Intimate time is not when you answer your damn phone. Jesus woman.

BeRealz 0

Maybe he thought it was a good idea for longer ******. Unless you orgasmed while you're talking to her, you sister... which would be the real fyl part.

Sometimes ppl think that it's kinky and fun. You did it yourself for answering the phone during sex, how would you feel if your boyfriend did that? Rude...

I think he should dump your disrespectful ass for answering your should have been on silent/vibrate & far from your reach...i had the same thing happen to me and I kept going until she couldn't speak coherently and then i hung up the phone for was NOT a cell phone, her sister then called back so i answered and said "DO YOU MIND? WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF SEX...SHE WILL CALL YOU BACK WHEN WE ARE DONE, I'M UNPLUGGING THE PHONE UNTIL THEN. SO, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT...TOUGH. GET A LIFE!

YDI. Who answers the phone during sex? And what consequences? "Oh, sorry I didn't answer the phone, I was in the shower!" - "It's okay!" How horrible....

kassieklove 0

he must not be awesome if u could still talk lol

This just in the news today (I'll take the names out in case it breaches international laws): Woman killed for answering call during sex A man in the US is accused of killing his girlfriend because she answered a phone call while they were having sex. [XXXX XXXX], 46, has been charged with the first degree murder of [YYYY YYYY], 44, whom he allegedly strangled to death last weekend. According to police, Mr [XXXX], from Milwaukee, went over to another man's house after the alleged murder and broke down in tears before confessing to the crime. When the man asked why he killed Ms [YYYY], Mr [XXXX] said it was because she had answered her phone during sex. Mr [XXXX] allegedly told police he strangled his girlfriend with a belt. A coroner's report found Ms [YYYY] had died from asphyxiation due to strangulation.

puhla 0