By showerpower - 21/01/2010 00:23 - United States

Today, while in the shower with my girlfriend she was going on and on about how she thinks she's fat when she's in perfect shape. With what she said still on my mind, I meant to say "honey, you're so beautiful", but accidentally said "honey, you're so fat". I'll be sleeping alone tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 506
You deserved it 34 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She deserves it for fishing for compliments.

You know you wanted to say that because she's always bitching about her weight. I hate how fit woman say they are fat and need to lose weight. I'm so fat I can't eat one piece of brownie or it will go straight to my thighs... Good, I'm ******* glad then you won't break in half when I bend you over.


love_game911 0

how bout showin that ur srry with some late night biology studying????

I hate when girls do that it just bugs me

awkwardlyhonest 0

my boyfriend has actually said this to me. i wasn't "fishing for compliments" but i was makin fun of someone else and he was like, well at least your fat. and i was like o.O

CyclonePsycho 1

Because bothering other people is so much better than compliment fishing. Do you really view insulting others as the lesser of two evils?

Naeann 0

You may have meant to say "you are beautiful" but you were thinking "you are fat" or it wouldn't have slipped.

I totally understand this. One time my boyfriend was teasing me about still having feelings for my ex. What I meant to say - "I love you way more than I ever loved [ex]." What came out - "I loved [ex] way more than I ever loved you." It took me a long time to live that one down.

APdrum 0

That reminds me of when I meant to ask my wife to pass the salt and I accidently said "You ruined my life, you ******* bitch!".

redwarrior 0

complement fishing... that's a quick way to get dumped annoying as hell too