By Judy - 19/09/2012 23:33 - United States - Altoona

Today, I was called into my 17-year-old son's high school. Why? Because it was Wednesday, also known as "Hump Day" and his friends managed to convince him that you're supposed to go around and hump people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 008
You deserved it 3 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

My dog thinks every day is Wednesday.


theten_fml 9

Make sure he's not carrying any combustibles to school on Friday.

enonymous 8

Was he at least wearing protection under his clothes when he was humping these people? Can't be too careful with some of these high school kids auditioning for 16 and pregnant.

Wait, so you're NOT supposed to hump people on Wednesdays? My life has been a lie...

At least he wasn't barking or howling while he was humping.

therealafroninga 10

Guys, I think you guys are unaware, but there's a national hump day. Every Wednesday, you go around and hump every person you see. Then you just wait for sexual harassment Thursday. ;)

I thought it was Wednesday at 7am - Hump Wednesday. Wednesday at 7:01am - Sexual Harassment Wednesday

Kn0wledge123 21

What's worse is that you raised that idiot.

He must be excited for Grab-ass day coming in a few months. It was a thing at our school one year and well... it happened.

celiiceegee 6

TittyTouchTuesday WeenieWednesday SmackAssFriday.. Sounds Legit.

Doesn't sound like a bright kid. Peer Pressure...?

I'd make this guy look smart compared to the stud I've been talked into -_-

He shouldn't bend to peer pressure that easily.

The same thing we do every day, Pinky. Try to take over the world.

13. I refuse to read anymore comments. That made my day

Osito2011 9
qwertyuiop100 2

Wednesday is called "Hump Day" at some highschools because it's the "hump" you need to get over to get to the end of the school week.

Thank you :) I didn't think anyone was going to tell me. I was very curious.

zingline89 18

My dog thinks every day is Wednesday.

Don't you mean every day is a "Hump Day"?

10 - Apparently, Wednesdays are sometimes called "hump day."

Disregard my comment... I'm kinda tired and I probably shouldn't be typing anything without contacts or glasses...

MrBond007_fml 6

Wait so than what's hump day? This FML reminded me of the small transformers robot that kept humping Meagan Fox's leg.

Basically "hump day" is termed so because it's the middle of the week. Both the seven day week and the 5 day working week. It's like the peak, the round off. Hm, sort of like a camel's hump. You go up (Monday Tuesday) reach the peak (Wednesday) and then go back down. (Thursday Friday) =D

devious418 3
desireev 17

Damn! So you mean to tell me that you're not supposed to hump people? No wonder why I've got a pocket full of phone numbers... It seemed legit! :)

I'm sure for the other person it'd be pretty legit,