By GymBattle - 31/10/2013 23:18 - United States

Today, while I was working out, I was listening to music with my earbuds in. The Pokémon theme started playing and I begun singing along. It wasn't too long after that I remembered I was in a crowded gym on a military base. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 361
You deserved it 12 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone was probably singing along in there heads, no worrys OP.


OWN IT. That is awesome and you are awesome. I probably would have started singing along

*presses the "I agree your life is awesome, as well as you." button*

surfergirl72 7

Happens to the best of us. Had my headphones in singing along full volume to Sponge Bob's F.U.N. song zipping along on the treadmill at an AF base. Thankfully, they prob assumed I was AF preserving the hardcore nature of the Army. ;)

devans00 14

I hate people who sing/hum/moan/scream at the gym while wearing headphones. Easily in the top 5 worse things about going to the gym.

Katiekat15 3
games4wjk 5

Haha. We sing Pokemon and lion king and other stupid songs on every base I've been to all the time.

I bet ya they were all singing along! Who doesn't love Pokemon!