By GymBattle - 31/10/2013 23:18 - United States

Today, while I was working out, I was listening to music with my earbuds in. The Pokémon theme started playing and I begun singing along. It wasn't too long after that I remembered I was in a crowded gym on a military base. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 361
You deserved it 12 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone was probably singing along in there heads, no worrys OP.


I'm with #4 I mean they should understand everyone was a child at one point they were probably singing along in their heads

sing loud and proud then.....quick do something manly! :) happens to the best of us.

obff527 7

You're amazing. Don't be ashamed!

Everyone is acting like this isn't normal

yerbduebeenehe 16

Would they really care? I've seen people who are bronies that are in the military.