By Anonymous - 03/12/2011 18:11 - United States

Today, while I was putting up Christmas lights, my younger brother wouldn't stop pestering me. It seems he hadn't forgotten the time I gave myself an electric shock last year, and he wanted to see if I'd do it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 206
You deserved it 3 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

seximexi911 10

Tell him this year it's his turn

FYLDeep 25

Should be pretty easy to do actually if you grab a broken light blub.


tje125 9

Not to be a dick but electrocution means you were killed by electricity, you mean you got shocked

It's already been pointed out. Several times, too.

Wow we get the point lol not to be rude but after the first comment why keep informing us. No ones perfect.

Be careful. You might get electrocuted.

_Young_Money_ 0

It's time to pass the torch down the family line. :] make it a family tradition. Lmao