By pampa31 - 14/12/2015 17:21 - Mexico - Tijuana

Today, while I was driving, there was a high speed car chase. The runaway managed to avoid my car but the police didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 768
You deserved it 1 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does this even happen to people? The most exciting thing to happen in my life was finding a potato chip that kinda resembled George Lopez.

Though they go through Evasive Vehicle Operations Course, it is still very difficult to control those heavy cruisers going that fast. Get a report and you will be 100% reimbursed. Glad you are okay.


Though they go through Evasive Vehicle Operations Course, it is still very difficult to control those heavy cruisers going that fast. Get a report and you will be 100% reimbursed. Glad you are okay.

gabechriswill 19

Let's hope his insurance doesn't go up for "higher state medical and auto repair cost". That's the BS I got the other day and I haven't had an accident nor a ticket ever.

If it happens in india. You get 0 reimbursement. Not every country has good auto insurance and reimbursement system.

Yea, you have to take into account that this happened in Mexico.

Exactly, they have evasive manoeuvre training, which is essentially training to not hit the other cars on the road in these situations. My cousin is a police officer and mainly due to the road training he's had he's by far the best driver I know, his reflexes are awesome even at fairly high speeds.

How does this even happen to people? The most exciting thing to happen in my life was finding a potato chip that kinda resembled George Lopez.

mds9986 24

Something exciting will happen to you soon. You got this!!!!!

Hopefully not his car being destroyed by a police cruiser, that's the bad kind of exciting.

Hey I would be pretty excited if I found a chip that resembled George Lopez!

Actually, it's straight out of Blues Brothers

If he was, he would also get chased and killed by the cops.

Hopefully they will reimburse you. Thankfully you weren't hurt.

olpally 32

At least you will be fully covered when they hit you...hope they caught the bastard though!

And you made the bad guy get away! Good going!

moo77_fml 20

Oh dear.. Where there's a blame, there's a claim lol

Sandman2015 12

Welp, they just bought you a new car. Look on the bright side.

meli1195 31

idk, México can be shady. I know because I lived there a while

race as in car racing or color of skin? if its the latter.. nothing was said about race. ah well. least he isnt dead

I hope you realize he is in Mexico, not the US. And yes i am aware of racist things happening in other countries.

Unlucky OP but wow that was exciting you should just be grateful for not getting hurt!