By mk - 20/06/2009 05:47 - Canada

Today, I had a big craving for a popsicle so I went to a convenience store and bought one. On my first bite, my upper lip got stuck to it. I ripped it off and spent the next 10 minutes trying to stop the bleeding from the giant cut I'd put in my lip. It hurt too much to finish the popsicle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 420
You deserved it 13 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you just wait for the popsicle to melt a little? Your lip would've eventually warmed it up enough to become unstuck...

irishlassie731 0

Why would you "rip" a popsicle off your lip instead of just waiting for it to melt a little? YDI, moron.


Why didn't you just wait for the popsicle to melt a little? Your lip would've eventually warmed it up enough to become unstuck...

iSmellNice 2
AlphaC 0

Which is why he deserves it 100%.

why would he wait for it to melt? he obviosly dint know it was that frosen. and on a hot summer day would u wait for a popcicle to melt a little? i wouldnt.

Dante167 0

#65 I would wait for it to melt a little if my lip was stuck to it instead of trying to yank it off because common sense would tell me that it would probably hurt and/or rip the skin.

#65: "On my first bite, my upper lip got stuck to it. I ripped it off" how do you NOT know that a popsicle was frozen to your tongue/lip if you had to RIP IT OFF? i agree with the person above me with the common sense thing...

Exactly. It's summer, the popsicle is going to melt. No need to rush.

PlastikSeraph 2

I guess it was more of an... *puts on sunglasses* inconvenience store! YEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!

You must be french because that english was kinda bad but, it better been a good flavour.

hecuva 0

And in Canada we only speak english?? Pretty sure it's a bilingual country and has TONS of people who either can't speak english or it's their second language so they don't speak it very well

Actually, the OP's grammar is better than yours.

Ravemaster7 0

did you just mouth off an fml staffer? excellent

hecuva 0

LOL.. yeah well he had it coming, :P

OH MY GOD. You didn't finish your popsicle... The world is going to end.

Ringmaster1 0

Ignoring the rip in his tounge

were all going to die any way in... 2012 ya thats one year

papaicey 0

oh shut up about that 2012 crap. just hope the government doesn't collapse before then

Here we are in 2013 laughing at stupid comments like that

ashbaby010 0

wow. even little kids can eat popsicles without getting hurt. that's kind of pathetic...

irishlassie731 0

Why would you "rip" a popsicle off your lip instead of just waiting for it to melt a little? YDI, moron.

"bite"? Is it really a good idea to bite it right away?

Theres so many ways you could have prevented that, warm water (even cold), or your tongue.

ChefBoy6382 0