By Anonymous - 24/07/2017 07:00 - United States - Warren

Today, while having a bad dream, I went to punch a bully in the face. Mid-swing I wake up and punch the solid concrete wall to my basement bedroom FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 272
You deserved it 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

Good. Keep that up and your fist would be tougher. When that day comes, you'll be prepared.

I’ll bet that wall just looked tough and was really an insecure, sniveling coward in reality. Surely, you obliterated it with your mighty Fist of Justice.


ThatIsSoFetch 7

Ouch! Were you sleepwalking?

Lobby_Bee 17

Good. Keep that up and your fist would be tougher. When that day comes, you'll be prepared.

I’ll bet that wall just looked tough and was really an insecure, sniveling coward in reality. Surely, you obliterated it with your mighty Fist of Justice.

species4872 19

I presume punching a hollow concrete wall isn't so bad.

Cyrus00 41

At least you don't have a hole in your wall.

ArbiterOfFML 24

It builds endurance. So when it is real, JUST DO IT!

Yay, I'm not the only sleep puncher in the world!

GIJoefan 6

Ouch. That's also happened to me a couple times. The wall wasn't concrete but it still hurt. I hope your hand doesn't have any broken bones.

turtlefreak23 12

I had something similar happen to me while on a new med for my migraines. It gave me terrible dreams and I woke up swinging at my "attacker" only to hit my sleeping husband in the forehead. Knocked him out and I snapped a tendon in my thumb and had to have surgery. Been 7 years and he still won't let me forget it.

I've heard of a rock-like face, but this is a tad bit literal...

I meant "rock-hard"...freaking auto correct...