By Anonymous - 01/02/2012 01:11 - United States

Today, while driving to work in heavy traffic, I got so into the song I was listening to that I tapped my foot on the gas to the beat. I rear-ended the car in front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 726
You deserved it 48 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm just glad tapping my foot to music now qualifies me as a music person


carolenaa 0

She died cause it was so awesome

Think about what you just said. " I tapped my foot on the gas and rear ended the car in front of me" no shit! What did you think was gonna happen? There's a floor for a reason...

Wow no excuse for that. That's just stupid lol YDI

what an idiot. your driving a car, it's not funny to kill someone for being a retard and not paying attention.

Fyl indeed if you thought that's what people would vote.

YDI for not leaving your foot on the brake. If you're in traffic, why would you start tapping the gas pedal to the music? Why would you even take your foot off the break to begin with? Sheesh...

You certainly live up to your name. |the kid|

There are a few other things for you to tap, such as your hands, your fists, or even your *other* foot (if you're not driving a stick shift). Just not the other cars. |the kid|