Social distancing gone wrong

By bananapie69 - 10/04/2020 20:00

Today, waiting in the deli line at the store, a woman stood directly next to me. I panicked and tried to move back to get a 6-foot distance, but in my panic I didn’t realize there was a stand behind me. I almost fell over, so I gasped super loud. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 436
You deserved it 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Kraths there’s no need for mass hysteria. But people are dying alone on ventilators. You get sick or one of your loved ones gets sick and I’m sure you’ll change your tune. Stay home, protect yourself when you work or shop, don’t act like a psycho when you go out for supplies, and you’ll be fine. Easy peasy. You can accept the facts of the situation and respond to it without getting hysterical. The two are not mutually exclusive. And stop drinking that “government conspiracy” Kool-aid. It’s not healthy. Literally, it’s not healthy.

Marcella1016 31

Or “social distancing gone right” depending on who’s looking at it. That was probably the woman’s plan the whole time.


Marcella1016 31

Or “social distancing gone right” depending on who’s looking at it. That was probably the woman’s plan the whole time.

Two weeks ago, you'd be crazy, but now you are a hero.

Marcella1016 31

Kraths there’s no need for mass hysteria. But people are dying alone on ventilators. You get sick or one of your loved ones gets sick and I’m sure you’ll change your tune. Stay home, protect yourself when you work or shop, don’t act like a psycho when you go out for supplies, and you’ll be fine. Easy peasy. You can accept the facts of the situation and respond to it without getting hysterical. The two are not mutually exclusive. And stop drinking that “government conspiracy” Kool-aid. It’s not healthy. Literally, it’s not healthy.

There’s no government conspiracy kool aid, your advice is the same as the advice from the government, how do you not realize that?