By Username - 15/05/2011 06:42 - United States

Today, while driving my new car, a squirrel ran in front of me so I slammed on my brakes. The person behind me didn't notice and rear-ended me. The squirrel got hit by a car going the opposite direction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 449
You deserved it 18 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hallkchallkc 4

Hmmm... that's why you don't "slam on your brakes" for small rodents:(

You're supposed to keep driving unless it's a animal that can cause an accident, like a deer. Otherwise, surprise surprise, the abruptent stop can cause an even bigger accident than hitting a squirrel. I'm 16 and I know this.


flighted 1

although throughout the number of years I have been driving I've NEVER hit a squirrel, if there was somebody behind me I wouldn't have stopped. for this exact reason. and this exact reason I said YDI.

your a dumbass for slamming on your brakes af then acting like the guy behind you should have seen that coming. you aren't supposed to slam on your brakes for a squirel if there is a car behind you. idiot!

armorf0r 7

I'd brake for like a deer, or a ******* moose. lol but a squirrel? have some common sense

i friken hate squirrels! they're so stupid!! ydi for slaming on the breaks!

LOL stupid squirrel ... I mean aww poor innocent squirrel ..

Squirrels are the stupidest animal. They run right in front of our cars right as we come down the road.

djphoenix18 1

you shouldnt have stopped, if it were its destiny to die, thats its destiny and no one can change it. Reminds me of a story that happened to me awhile ago: There was this little bird, with a broken wing, in the middle of the road. When I saw it, I immediately parked my car on the other side of the road and ran to save it. When I got close, literally 1 meter away, a city bus squashed it and its blood got on my shoe. And as i was waiting for the traffic to clear up, I witnessed a kid rob my wallet and cell phone from my 5 meters away car. FML