By pissedinSwiss - 17/07/2009 15:01 - Switzerland

Today, while backpacking in Switzerland I had my camera stolen. Not only does this have photos of my entire trip but the pictures I took for my best friend's wedding. I was the only photographer of her elopement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 135
You deserved it 12 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you were the photographer at the wedding, it should have been your uttermost and foremost responsibility to get those pictures safe and store in multiple copies. Sorry for your camera, that part is FML, but the wedding pictures are YDI.

always back up if you can. but this totally ******* sucks.


always back up if you can. but this totally ******* sucks.

no1askdu 5

Maybe the shouldn't have eloped, then maybe the wouldve had more pictures

That's what I was thinking. I'm sorry about your camera, so i clicked FYL. But your friend deserves it for #1 eloping, and #2 only having one cameraman. Your friend is a total idiot.

They eloped so that they could having a weeding without lots of people. That means they probably didn't want an entire fleet of photographers there. And most weddings only have one photographer, but photograpers take VERY good care of the photos and try and make sure they don't lose the photos (as they'll lose all the money from the job if they lose the photos) Why do people never think before posting their insensitive, illogical comments on this site?

What do you people mean "should have not eloped"? Usually when couples elope it's for a good reason like parents who don't want them to be together. If you made a big deal out of the wedding and hired a proffesional photographer, they'd know something is up. Theres other reasons too. This is definetly an FYL. How was he to know that the camera would be stolen?

americayay 0

Just because the majority of people are overly materialistic snobs obsessed with keeping up with the Jones's, doesn't mean everyone else wants to spend somewhere between $15,000 and $100,000 for what is essentially a PARTY, when they can have the same party with only very close friends and family for a fraction of the cost. The friends definately didn't deserve it, but OP should've saved those photos immediately after taking them. A lot of other things could've caused the loss of those photos, such as the camera getting lost in travel or even broken.

americayay 0

^ My point being that the friends don't deserve to lose all of their wedding photos because it wasn't mainstream enough.

mydgmax 0

my dad accidentally deleted a couple's wedding video and he was the only wedding filmer. he could never recover it:(

You were the ONLY photographer? I find that hard to believe, usually everyone at the wedding is busy taking pictures.

saraitkddh 47

back up is one of the most greatest inventions!

If you were the photographer at the wedding, it should have been your uttermost and foremost responsibility to get those pictures safe and store in multiple copies. Sorry for your camera, that part is FML, but the wedding pictures are YDI.

My "fun pics" from my wedding got unloaded before I took my camera on the honeymoon... OP YDI

magnetic_aura 26

Exactly, definitely should have made a copy of the wedding photos. Unfortunate that the camera was stolen (people are jerks) but, OP should have made a backup of the pictures.

I agree, but there is a possibility OP didn't get a chance to, couldn't , or was about to

YDI for not backing up the wedding pictures. Sorry for the camera and trip pictures though.

He was backpacking. He probably didn't have an opportunity to do so

He should have backed up the pictures from the WEDDING before he LEFT for the backpacking trip. That's just moronic.

You can now purchase SD cards that automatically send their content to your home computer at regular intervals. They aren't expensive either. There is no excuse for being a quality photographer and losing your photos.

girandwogpig 0

#60 I want to see a link to these SD cards. I would also like to know how they send it without an internet connection >.>

Any photo shop can transfer your photos from memory card to CD... no excuse for not backing up, especially important photos...

maybe they were all on the backpacking trip and that's when they eloped

that sucks about your camera but who gives a shit about the photos? people only look at them once ever.

Ay i know! People go crazy over these photos, and really I don't see much of a use to them. Most of them are fairly boring, and it's not like you're gonna look at them again.

My parents look at their wedding photos every year on their anniversary, and they have a photo hanging in their bedroom as well. I guess no one else is as fond of the moment they dedicated their lives to one another as they are...?

As a photog, you definitely deserve this.

FYL. IMO the bride should've hired more than just one photographer. But it's pretty stupid that you didn't make back ups.

It's an elopement, many don't even hire even one photographer. Wait, what kind of normal wedding has multiple photographers anyway?

jnic 0

Hahah damn... that's so not gonna happen. Photographers charge around $800-$1,000 for their services, imagine getting another one? Then you usually have to pay out the ass for prints. Don't get me wrong, I go to art school, my boyfriend's a photographer, etc., so I appreciate what photographers do... but if they're getting $1,000 for the day, there's no reason for them to profit further.

brrrx 0

Idiot, you didn't upload your pictures as the sole photographer of a wedding!? YDI majorly for that.

why didn't the bride ask for copies of the photos before your trip?

She assumed the OP wasn't a total idiot and would back them up. Besides, she'd probably left on her honeymoon.