By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 21:09 - United States

Today, while at the grocery store, I saw my mother. I thought it would be funny to scare her by sneaking up and grabbing her ass. Not only was it not my mom, I left the place with a ban from ever returning to that store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 658
You deserved it 47 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is grabbing your mother's ass a normal thing for you?

Even if it was your mom why would you grab her ass?


Dude!!! It is totally not ok to grab anywhere near your own mother at any time for any reason!

Why would you grab your own mothers ass?? Can you say 'Ew! Incest!'

leahmae88 7

It's okay...when I was twelve I was out shopping with my mother and had to use the restroom. While going about my business I noticed my mom had gone in the stall next to mine. I knew it was her due to her pants and shoes (obviously). I thought it would be funny to grab her ankle and give her a fright. Well, I gave her a fright alright, only one problem, turned out it wasn't my mother lol

Akalia_fml 7

Why would you grab your mum's ass anyway? Whack-a-do

venomousddog 19

I don't understand, you thought you saw your mom so you went to grab her butt, why grab her butt, why not tap her shoulder

Is there something you wanna tell us, OP?

you might as well scared her by ******* her in the ass, you perv!

To say that, let alone think it, you're the f'n perv

1Kiki_babe1 2

Why would you grab your mom's ass?