By FamilySecret - 29/01/2011 06:55 - United States

Today, while at my boyfriends place, I thought I would be nice by folding his laundry and putting it away since he was working late. I opened his sock drawer and sitting on top was a photo of his mother, naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 881
You deserved it 4 806

Same thing different taste


sourgirl101 28

I've never heard that saying. I have heard "your mother is the first woman you ever loved" before. I'm guessing it's along the same lines.(: Not sure where the naked picture would come in to play.

Blueocean7 19

Oedipus complex, but still... Eeeewww! why the heck it's there? He may love his mother but a naked picture??? SMH.

yummycupcakegirl 0
_LoVe_CaThErInE_ 0

thats so hot ;) ewwwwwwwww cant even say that without feelin sick, i mean ive heard of mama's boys but this is just sick

Wonder how he managed to get a picture of it. Maybe she willingly wanted it done. EWWW