By Jssceli09 - 18/12/2009 08:25 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were using our skype accounts for the first time. He went to the restroom and I thought that I'd surprise him with my clothes off for when he came back. I heard him walk back into the room so I got into position. It wasn't him. It was his mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 641
You deserved it 24 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe your bf is really a woman and he went to the bathroom to change into his real identity.

Did she proceed to take her clothes off too?


his mom looks and coments "could be better needs some improvement"

vballerlover07 0

What does skype have to do with any of that?

:/ Because she was on skype to her boyfriend then his mum walked in and saw her naked.

not only being naked from before backfires.. i personally find it hotter when the girl strips.

That is absolutely riveting, #1. Please do tell it again.

ha ha. Well... At least she hopefully didn't like it. It could always be worse. lol

Did she proceed to take her clothes off too?

Maybe your bf is really a woman and he went to the bathroom to change into his real identity.

perdix 29

Got into position? I hope the position is the one where you lift one boob with one hand and lick it, and flash the pink with the other hand. You put your potential mother-in-law to be in an awkward spot -- I hope you gave her a little somethin'-somethin' for her trouble. FYL if she gives you a Weedeater for Xmas.

footcheezeez 16

And perdix strikes again! Bravo, sir!

This seems to happen often, I wanted to surprise my boyfriend so I got naked on webcam, skype, etc. If you'd keep your clothes on or at least wait until he's in the room, this wouldn't happen YDI

DTbasketball 0

How is it being a ****, it's her BF.

dragonstrike94 8