By Judgeisalwaysright - 01/03/2016 08:57 - United States - Chesterfield

Today, while at a big speech and debate tournament, I corrected the judge's use of the word "podium" instead of lectern, because that's what my debate coach had told me was the correct usage. Well, she didn't take it too well and neither did my partner. Or my debate coach. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 713
You deserved it 21 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Correcting the judge in front of everyone is kind of a dick move. A judge is there as some sort of expert and authority figure and to undermine them doesn't look good for your score.


In MUN, another debate organization, correcting the judges is okay, there's a specific procedure in case they need to be corrected. But it doesn't seem like this Debate competition had anything like that ?

YDI. What were you thinking? That's like telling your teacher they are an idiot just before they grade your paper.

ber4fun 23

Why do people hate being proven wrong so much? You'll never learn anything new if yiu can't handle criticism.

"Lectern" is literally one of the definitions listed in the dictionary for "podium." Google it.

you should always respect the judges authority even when hes wrong

This is one of those cases where you have to think was that really necessary

The other commenters have it covered. So, teach me! What's the difference between a lectern and a podium?

They are the exact same thing. Like couch/sofa bathroom/restroom dinner/supper The one you use depends in where you're from. What's sad is that OP thinks there is a difference between the two words and that there was something worth correcting anyone - especially the person judging the debate - over.

amzy12 7

Oh well, shit happens! You know not to do that again in a hurry!

LittleLittlered7 6

you are not supposed to debate the judge.

You probably are use to doing that to alot of people around you because you sound like a know it all. Having such confidence to do that to a Judge means you have to knock it down a notch. Being a know it all kind of indicates your naturally smart but people don't really like it that much. I'm def team Judge.