By Nate - 06/03/2009 03:25 - United States

Today, we watched a movie in class. Afterwards, the professor asked us what we thought. I raised my hand and said it was pretentious, dull and a really poor example of filmmaking. It was the movie HE spent five years writing and directing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 553
You deserved it 52 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yikesO_O 0

Hey, you spoke the truth. People can't be babied all their lives anyways.

Exactly. If the professor is opening the movie to critique, he better suck it up and deal with it.


It's your opinion, I don't see why idiots say you deserve it for expressin your opinion

Everstang 0

Am i the only One that wants to know what the movie is?!?

Well how was you to know only spoke the truth

Elfkid21 19

so you got in trouble for speaking your mind? GOD FORBID you have an opinion of your own!! though, the schools ARE supposed to be building a mindless army full of people who are just supposed to follow orders and do as they're told.

As long as your professor isn't Tommy Wiseau, I think you'll be OK.

doglover100 28

He did ask for opinions. Anyone who publishes something should learn to have a thick skin and know that there are going to be critics.

Well...all you gave him was what he asked for. Besides just because he's your teacher he shouldn't expect any difference in your opinion. I get why that sucks though.