By Anonymous - 25/09/2014 12:18 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, we had a meeting at my job and we had to introduce new ideas to our boss. Earlier, I was talking to one of my close friends who also attended the meeting about my idea. As we start the meeting, she decides to steal my idea and take complete credit for it. My boss loves "her" idea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 365
You deserved it 6 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully she is now an ex friend. Cut her off, you don't need people like her in your life.


Serves you right, only dumbasses spill their ideas to other people while expecting their ideas to be kept as theirs!

Fake friends really are the worst, because you really start to trust them then they do something like this!

brendejafulable 41

You are stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. So stupid it burns. You NEVER tell anyone about your ideas, they will ALWAYS steal them. Stupid.

**** that bitch :d she **** ur life.

Omg...If u need help getting the knife out of ur back...she isn't a real friend...karma will get her

That's why it's best to keep certain things to yourself. by the way she's not your friend.

I hate that, i lost an election ( small organization) due to the same thing. Keep your ideas to yourself and chin up!