By jennag5 - 24/03/2012 06:45 - Canada - Claresholm

Today, two drop dead gorgeous Australians asked me for directions. Being so shocked by their beauty and accents, I couldn't get words out of my mouth. The one said to the other "Nope she doesn't speak English", then walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 317
You deserved it 10 727

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is still a better love story than twilight.


For those of you who seem to be so intent on saying the Australians were women, read again. The OP said they were gorgeous but did not specify a gender. These two Australians could be guys and the OP's name definitely suggests that the 'she' is correct in the quote. OP, fyl. I am sorry to say that this happens to a lot of people and sometimes they end up missing out in great things.

Her name is Jenna in the username, thus she is a woman and the Aussies are males

48 - you're assuming heterosexuality.

I'm straight, but some Aussie guys... And every girl I've talked to has said that they'd seriously consider f**king an Australian girl. Not bad for a bunch of convicts and pirates ;)

I come from a land down under, Where women glow and men plunder. Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover.

Yeah. Like if a British person visited Canada, they would think Canadians have accents even though we DON'T say "Eh" or "house" like 'hoose'. But in Canada, Canadians would think we don't have accents

Sorry but unfortunately we do have an accent especially if we go to different countries

81- But you guys DO say 'hoose'. I love it though, it makes your accents even more sexy ;D

I'm an Aussie and yes, I do have an accent.

cc_the_beast 6

Of course we have an accent. Peoples sarcasm alarms are faulty today it seems. Also, most Canadians I've met do say 'eh' a lot, they just don't realise it.

funnyfiona 0

Admittedly a very horrible accent. I miss my old one :(

VioletRaven1 8

Nahh every talks all the same .........SARCASTIC................. I have an accent and im all Aussie

perdix 29

You should have pointed to your crotch. That's pretty all the directions most guys need, regardless of language.

olpally 32

And I failed miserably with that comment *crawls back under rock in defeat* :(

XD That reminds me of something that happened to me in Peru. I was climbing up Machu Picu (sp?) when these two unusually tall and hunky peruvian guys started talking to me. I said, "I'm sorry I only speak English." One replied, "I know. We're speaking English." Their accents were so thick I didn't even recognize my own native tongue! I was so embarrassed, all I could was say, "!" and then run away.

c8750 2

Error in thumbs up...meant to thumb down comment. Who cares that it reminds you of a time. Sorry to be rude. Just saying

Pretend to choke. Get mouth to mouth. Win.

Angelrose2004 17

Choking= heimlich maneuver; no mouth-to-mouth there.

Dont breathe after your pretend food particle is dislodged.