By retyi43 - 24/03/2012 05:41 - United States - Baton Rouge

Today, I bought medical gloves to protect my hands from various chemicals at work since I have eczema. I had an allergic reaction to the gloves, and now my eczema is even worse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 946
You deserved it 2 846

retyi43 tells us more.

they were nitrile gloves, not latex

Top comments

I now know how to spell "eczema" Thanks OP!

Rubber is horrible for eczema. When I used to do the dishes I tried to wear rubber gloves because my eczema would cause the dish soap to crack my hands and make them bleed. But using the gloves instead just caused them to puff up and itch like hell, along with the pain from the eczema. I fell your pain. :( Try getting some cetaphil cream (think that is how its spelled). That is one of the few lotions I can use to help that I don't have an allergic reaction to.


Wouldn't you check to see if you were allergic to the material in the gloves?

Pebbles89 9

It's difficult to know if you're allergic to something. You don't get a little small patch of irritation, you break out into a full blown rash even with minimal contact with the allergen..

It's called "trial and error" obviously for OP this was an error.

It's an easy mistake to make. A lot of people assume medical gloves are made of hypoallergenic materials since doctors use them and a patient could be allergic to it. While the look exactly the same, and often are, the packaging "latex rubber gloves" and "medical gloves" or "hair dye gloves" can be really misleading. You'd think someone wearing those gloves while touching people with all sorts of different skin types would be easy on the skin. Unfortunately, that's rarely the case unless bought from a company who supplies to doctors, vets, or hair dressers. Those companies aren't usually sold in stores. I'd learned I haves a mild latex allergy (it only affects my hands and face) because of that reason. I knew I had sensitive skin, so I chose "medical gloves" over "latex gloves" thinking there was a difference.

cc_the_beast 6
Pebbles89 9

Tanning helps! I also have eczema and I was told by my dermatologist to get a tanning membership at the nearest salon to save about $300 for phototherapy sessions, which is virtually the same. I'm not a doctor but tanning has helped me a LOT! Good luck!

see! you can cure your eczema with tanning! melanoma would have a very high chance of taking its place, but at least you'll have tan, lovely skin! (sorry to be sarcastic...but my sister and my best friend got melanoma from tanning and neither turned out for the better...)

Yeah. UVB rays give you skin cancer because it retards the immune system of the skin. But because eczema is an auto immune disease, it slows down the replication of cells. Its actually incredible the difference it makes. You don't need enough to get a tab, that's where it gets unhealthy. But minimal time 3 days a week is great.

10. touche :) I was not aware of that, and it's actually quite interesting to know that. I would have never thought tanning could be used for medical purposes haha. thank you for informing me

Pebbles89 9

Haley, when tanning to treat eczema, you're not supposed to tan excessively. Also, eczema has no cure, only treatment to alleviate the pain and irritation. I'm sorry about your sister and your best friend, I really am, but tanning to help with eczema is not supposed to be overboard unlike tanning for the sun-kissed glow year round :(

Pebbles89 9

My apologies for spelling your name wrong. For people with eczema, summer time is the easiest due to lots of sun, UV rays and vitamin D, so most doctors tell you to "replicate" the sunshine by tanning to help relieve the pain :)

Lol, no worries pebbles! It definitely makes sense, and I'm glad to how have more awareness. I have a few friends with eczema who I'm sure will be REALLY happy to hear this!! Thanks!

Pebbles89 9

Let them know to avoid scented anything- soap, lotion, etcetera. It really sucks to have eczema, it's like having poison ivy x20. It's horrible! Hope your friends don't have to deal with bad outbreaks often! :)

I have eczema. I just use a shitload of Shea butter.

Ppl should note that tanning beds dont have the kind of light rays that make your body produce vitamin d. Only sunlight does.

Pebbles89 9

63- it's the next best thing to sunshine.

Luckily I 'grew out' of my eczema. It appears every now and then with stress but I just slap some e45 cream on and it seems to sort itself out. If tanning helps eczema, do you use suncream with it or does that defeat the purpose?

10- retards the immune system? stop misinforming people please.

Pebbles89 9

76- I don't use sunscreen because of the chemicals in it irritate my skin, and for ME, it does defeat the purpose haha!

Hey I'm joining the party, lol. I have eczema too and people always ask me if I'm cold because it looks like I have goosebumps...

AllThatHit 7

hmm eczema hurts. tanning would risk getting burnt so wouldn't that hurt even more?

Pebbles89 9

92- It has already been stated that tanning for relief of eczema is not excessive and is used in moderation. A sunburn is highly unlikely.

I hate my eczema!! I've had it my entire life!! This seems really helpful!!

porcupineattack1 5

Either find better gloves or quit. You deserve better. Sorry OP

I now know how to spell "eczema" Thanks OP!

cyrusyoman 5

I agree with 3, you honestly dont have to push yourself op, no one deserves that :(

Rubber is horrible for eczema. When I used to do the dishes I tried to wear rubber gloves because my eczema would cause the dish soap to crack my hands and make them bleed. But using the gloves instead just caused them to puff up and itch like hell, along with the pain from the eczema. I fell your pain. :( Try getting some cetaphil cream (think that is how its spelled). That is one of the few lotions I can use to help that I don't have an allergic reaction to.

Wow, I know how that feels. I'm sorry OP. Hope you get better soon.

Lichinamo 33

Trust me buddy, eczema on your hands doesn't suck. I have bad eczema around my MOUTH.

Yes because you having it around your mouth makes all the pain leave OP's hands. I have it on my feet and wrist, now I'm lucky as hell not to have it on my hands or mouth but knowing other people have it worse makes me feel lucky but sure as hell doesn't stop it from Hurting!

I used to and i was so embarrassed to open my mouth cause i would start bleedin

Lichinamo 33

Well I'm sorry that my need to talk about my eczema makes me a bad person. The only reason I said that was because I kept on running into eczema related things since I found out I had it. Also, I tend to let my feelings out after being upset about things. Comment again once you have mouth eczema, find out that nobody likes you, hear about it from a friend that wasn't the one who heard it, have rumors going on about you that you have given a BJ and lap dance to two different people after sex with one of them, and have people think you're a lesbian with your best friend.

Lichinamo 33

Also, people tend to tell me to use Chapstick when it doesn't help, and tell my twin brother he needs to moisturize after touching his skin, as he has eczema all over his skin. And by all over, I really mean EVERYWHERE.

Pebbles89 9

Lichinamo, you're not the only one who got negative numbers for speaking up. I'm sorry you have eczema on your face. You can at least cover up other parts of your body. I hope you're feeling better!

Yeah, I'm also one of the people with eczema everywhere. It's weird.

Lichinamo 33

I wish you luck with your eczema!

I had it on my mouth and body as well. It's a sign you have food sensitivities. Dont eat anything with flour for ten days. If it goes away you have gluten intolerance.

I have it on my arms behind my knees on my neck on my face on my hands on my scalp. Everywhere. I know how you all feel.