By Mcwifi - 21/04/2016 17:58 - United States - Elmhurst

Today, traffic was so bad that I was able to connect to the WiFi of a nearby McDonald's and successfully listen to a 30-minute podcast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 892
You deserved it 1 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry about the traffic, but hey, at least you weren't the most bored of those who were stuck!


I hope its Armin Van Buuren podcast

Steve97 32

Better be the Roosterteeth podcast

writergirl1029 17

I would say Stuff You Should Know, but they're usually longer than 30 minutes.

UserError94 18

Right? Should have thrown on some Netflix and chill

Yeah no kidding, at least he had something to do!

Sorry about the traffic, but hey, at least you weren't the most bored of those who were stuck!

DeadxManxWalking 27

The wifi sounds like a pleasant bonus, but sorry about the traffic op!

Damn you're a genius, that's what you call making the best out of a bad situation. There should a medal or some shit for that.

I applaud you, that's actually a really good idea! #lifehacks

Sounds like you might've inadvertently starred in a McDonald's commercial. Now look to your left and say, "I'm lovin' it!"

it was long and hard journey but the WiFi held out against all odds if it didn't arrive we would have resorted to cannibalism

Hay! Yes, you! Close the dam window you're letting the wifi out..