By notyouraverage - 03/04/2018 19:00

Today, I was doing a PowerPoint presentation in front of my whole class, when I accidentally clicked on the folder that has zillions of pictures of my crush. He's one of my classmates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 469
You deserved it 6 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zekfen 17

As long as you didn’t mention your shrine in your bed room the embarrassment will die down in a few years


Zekfen 17

As long as you didn’t mention your shrine in your bed room the embarrassment will die down in a few years

manb91uk 22

Couldn't you have just favoured his Instagram profile like every other 21st Century stalker?

I would be terrified if I was him honestly.

SwordSlashBlade 13

I have no idea how one “accidentally” double clicks a folder DURING a PowerPoint presentation, but sure ... why not ... “accidentally.”

Start expecting a restraining order in the mail soon.

Lobby_Bee 17

Try desperately to pass it off as part of your PowerPoint presentation--otherwise, I'd delete that folder immediately.