By 420dits - 26/01/2010 01:16 - Canada

Today, my crush went on webcam on MSN. He looked really adorable, so I took about 6 screen shots and copied them into paint. I accidentally took a screenshot of my screen with all the pictures on paint and copied it into the conversation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 016
You deserved it 44 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lexie206 0

nice one. btw that's kinda creepy... but fyl anyway

alex_vik 0

That is really creepy. Protip: Guys don't like creepy girls.


lexie206 0

nice one. btw that's kinda creepy... but fyl anyway

Honestly just cover it up by saying "haha my friend dared me to do this" or "this is what this creep in r class did to your friend! I thought it'd be funny to reenact it"

Horney4her69 0

I don't think it's creepy; it's cute. he's got the cam going anyway, it's not like she's peeping through his window taking pics.

If it wasn't creepy then she wouldn't care if he knew.

aww that's not creepy, just unfortunate. he should be flattered though :P

yourefreakindumb 0

No but the fact that she wants to save the photos so she can look at them later is creepy. Especially since she took 6. OP is a ******* freak and totally deserved it.

bassxchick12 0

not all of us are crazy. I personally would never have done something like this...

It's not really creepy, it just shows you're computer inept. This wasn't wort posting. You get a 3/10.

E40_fml 0

Creeperz. Oh well. There's other boys to stalk.

Jrook 0

yeah you would need to be very very bad with computers.... like none other

If you've been doing the Prnt Scrn,Alt+tab,Ctrl+v,... routine in quick succession for about 5-6 times, you might do it again by mistake. But that is really creepy, OP.

greenltrn2003 0

either very bad or very good to such a point to where you dont think about what youre doing...I think I can see how this she pasted it into the convo anyways.

on MSN, you can copy a pic into a conversation by clicking and dragging it into the window or onto the toolbar where the contact is. so she probably accidentally clicked and dragged it in by mistake.. it's happened to me before, only not in such a dire situation. haha.

She was probably trying to take another shot of him and put it in Paint... But wasn't paying attention and copied it into the Messenger box. /:

greenltrn2003 0

@#48 yeahh exactly what I was thinking. She got into the PrntScrn, Crtl+V groove and slipped up lol

she probibly was trying to send him pics of her self and sent those insted?

YDI, how would you like it if someone saved pictures of you for them to fawn over without you knowlege of permission?

Uh, because she has like 6 screenshots of him withouot his knowledge. If you were webcamming with someone and then they sen a screenshot of their page with 6 pictures if you, wouldn't you be creeped out? That's how it's creepy... And It's FML because now her crush knows she's a creeper.

How is that creepy *or* a FML? You could've just told him he looked cute and you snapped a photo of him.

yeah, you'd have to purposely "paste" it into the chatbox. there's no way you did that on accident... i call fake

AxCxDxDx 0

maybe she ment to copy/ paste something else in and hadn't properly copied it, so the previous copy, the shot, which is auto bound to paste fncn. when pressed, ended up bein pasted into convo.

Poke_my_mon 0

Yeah but why would she take a screen shot of her screen? She already had all the pictures. She was just ASKING to be caught.

Maybe she was trying to take another picture of him and paste it into Paint, but wasn't paying attention and ended up switching the windows?

It's MSN, once u paste it, it's all done. He doesn't need to accept the file or something, he can look at the photo/screen as long as he wants... I've done this but with random page screens which I needed, so yeah. It's more like YDI, you could've at least asked him if he has any photos of himself...

alex_vik 0

That is really creepy. Protip: Guys don't like creepy girls.