By Jamie - 11/11/2018 05:00 - United States

Today, to get back at me for our recent breakup, my ex put a "9/11 was an inside job!" bumper sticker on my car. I work for the government in New York City, and I just got a text saying that my manager wants to talk to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 432
You deserved it 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell your manager the truth. Get some sticker remover. It is sold at car parts stores. Sorry your ex is a jerk.

tounces7 27

This should be easily resolved. Surely your manager isn't so stupid that he doesn't realize literally anyone could put a bumper sticker on your car. Although he does work for the government, so maybe....


Tell your manager the truth. Get some sticker remover. It is sold at car parts stores. Sorry your ex is a jerk.

“They” want you to stop telling the truth. So, are you MIHOP or LIHOP?

tounces7 27

This should be easily resolved. Surely your manager isn't so stupid that he doesn't realize literally anyone could put a bumper sticker on your car. Although he does work for the government, so maybe....

I hope the outcome doesn't turn into the other work FMLs where the OP gets fired for something that's not his/her fault.

Sounds like breaking up with the ex was a very wise move. What an asshole.

So? Did he ccome clean and told you the truth about 9/11?!

walk in stare and say calmly "the bumper sticker was an inside job"

maroongrad 13

Time to have your boss talk to her boss...about harassing his/her employee, causing problems at his/her work, wasting his/her time, etc. Can you say "Backfire"?

Unless it's a city car, or used on the job, your boss should have no say over your bumper stickers anyway.

Itsbeenalong 5

This is what happens when you only live 1012 yards away from each other.