By Anonymous - 25/03/2015 19:00 - United States - Point Pleasant Beach

Today, three of my dipshit coworkers kept whining all day about Zayn Malik leaving One Direction, how devastating it is, and what it means for their future. As a pacifist, I've never had to struggle so hard to not beat the piss out of people and hurl their broken remains out a window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 852
You deserved it 4 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's scary that there are workforce-aged people thinking like your coworkers 0.o

One Direction=Wrong Direction We all feel your pain


I would be best friends with your coworkers

Did you tell them no worries.. he's headed in another direction?

catanita 18

You should have asked - who or what is One Direction?

Why is it such a big fad for people to be so against one direction? lol. you're no better than any of their crazy, annoying fans that threaten to kill anybody that says shit about one direction. pacifist my ass.

At least five members of the band should leave one direction.

You can go ahead and be annoyed with their reactions to him leaving but instead of posting something so violent and rude about it, try doing something to occupy your time and tune them out. And maybe get some anger management while you're at it.

It's so upsetting to see how many people on here are so quick to type out an extremely rude and mean response and talk to people like they are inferior or less intelligent because of their music taste. I honestly am not into One Direction specifically, however I respect others opinions. Do I find some people's reactions dramatic and over-kill? Sure. Can some people not take a joke? Obviously. But it is so disturbing to see how rude people can be to put down other people over such a silly thing. FYL cause you obviously have nothing better to focus on than a conversation you weren't even apart of OP.

Lmao YYYYYEEESSSSS hahaha good for you for containing yourself though! :) But yeah stupid people piss me off!

It's so disturbing to see how mean and rude some people can be towards others over something like taste in music. I personally am not a one direction fan, however I respect others opinions. Do I find some people's reactions over dramatic? Sure. Can some people not take a joke? Obviously. But there is no need to talk down to other people or act like you are superior just because you have different tastes and interests. FYL OP since you clearly have nothing better to do or focus on than judging a conversation you were even apart of while at work.