Lonely birthday

By Anonymous - 07/05/2022 16:00

Today, it’s my birthday. It’s 2:30 pm, and my parents are still sleeping while I watch television with my dog. I’ll probably also have dinner with my dog. Happy Birthday to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 898
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brookerea 9

that honestly doesn't sound bad too me at all.....

pandaandthepitty 12

And your dog loves you more than anything in the world, trust me. People are just awful sometimes, but animals love unconditionally.


I hope you enjoy your Snausages, Kibbles n Bits and Frosty Paws!

Michael Sawyer 11

are you a teenager? cause that was the last time that my birthday meant anything other than just being a year older.

brookerea 9

that honestly doesn't sound bad too me at all.....

pandaandthepitty 12

And your dog loves you more than anything in the world, trust me. People are just awful sometimes, but animals love unconditionally.

No, they don't. They love you on condition that you feed them.

that's how birthdays are when you get older.