By alaillama - 30/06/2015 22:19 - United Kingdom - Northolt

Today, a dog bit me on the bus. Instead of apologising, its owner said it was my fault because my hands "must smell of meat". I'm a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 209
You deserved it 2 721

alaillama tells us more.

OP here: just to say that a) it was a small lap dog, but very ferocious. The bus was very crowded so I was pressed up against the dog, holding my phone with one hand and the other by my side (it bit that one); b) I had washed my hands just 20 minutes before getting on the bus (in the LADIES toilets), so they must have smelled on soap or of nothing at all. I checked afterwards and I couldn't smell anything unusual; c) thankfully my stop was pretty close so it wasn't long before I could treat it Thanks for all your concerns in the comments! It's really nice to hear them- it's healing quickly and hopefully there won't be a scar :) xxx

Top comments

We all know why your hands smelled of meat you lonely perv.

Klima_fml 29

Sucks when people can't take responsibility of their own animals in situations like this, to them the pet is a saint and anything that happens is automatically the other persons fault, sorry OP!


Dogs are really causing a lot of controversy worldwide, no?

They're definitely causing controversy in America. I don't pay much attention in the news, but from what I heard Conservatives are afraid marriage with dogs might be legalized in the near future. Something about a slippery slope? I'm not sure why they're worried, it doesn't snow much where I live, and I've never had any deviant inclinations regarding any dogs.

We all know why your hands smelled of meat you lonely perv.

With that said, if I were OP, I would've smooshed my hands in his nose. But really, why do people insist on not taking responsibility for these things? It's disgusting.

That's the owner's fault for not controlling their dog. You should tell the owner that if that kind of situation ever happens again

When I first read this comment, I thought it was going to say a threat, like "Tell the owner that if that ever happens again, you're going to call the cops on them and eat their first born child", but I just realized that you mean the OP should say what you said if a similar situation occurs. I feel stupid now lol.

Lol it's okay sometimes I'm bad at wording

I didn't even know they let dogs on buses... I'm assuming it was a lap dog?

Klima_fml 29

Sucks when people can't take responsibility of their own animals in situations like this, to them the pet is a saint and anything that happens is automatically the other persons fault, sorry OP!

You should have smacked the owner and told them your hand must have slipped

graceinsheepwear 33

Time to sue that crazy guy and make him pay for ur medical bills.. Hope u r ok

OP is in the UK, what medical bills? ;)

#36, maybe it is because the location of the FML says the UK.

It shouldn't matter what your hands smelled of.. You didn't deserve to get bit unless you were taunting the animal, which you obviously were not.