By bathroomgirl - 11/08/2011 16:09 - United States

Today, thinking I was alone in a public bathroom, I started singing the words to my favorite song. A minute later that I heard a toilet flush, so I just sat there petrified. The other person sarcastically picked up the singing from where I left off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 071
You deserved it 37 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

staychill 16

yeah, don't sing in a bathroom that isn't your own.


aFMLfann4life 0

Duet! :D Doesn't fell so bad, it happens to everyone

Hey I do that all the time. You can't see them, they can't see you cause you're in a cubical, right?

MwahFMLS 6
iTzJonnyyy 0

you shoulda had a fart battle

fredforever_fml 0