By THATgirl - 26/01/2018 15:00

Today, our wedding venue canceled on us, leaving us 8 months to find another in peak foliage season. My parents contacted the local news over the ordeal, but they're using my name and picture to make me look like a whiny brat who didn’t get her way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 061
You deserved it 1 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If they cancelled on you for no real reason, then they deserve some bad publicity.

Kelly Sengstock 11

That absolutely sucks! I hope everything works out for you! 8 months is a long time, don’t give up hope. :)


Kelly Sengstock 11

That absolutely sucks! I hope everything works out for you! 8 months is a long time, don’t give up hope. :)

Always a bridesmaid--never a bridezilla.

If they cancelled on you for no real reason, then they deserve some bad publicity.

OP doesn't actually say "for no reason" so I expect there was one!

She doesn’t say there is a reason, so I don’t believe there to be one.

TinScarecrow 15

honestly, do you think she'd say it if there were a reason? She could just as easily think the reason isn't relevant.

psycobunnymamafox 13

Trying to find a new venue in 8months sucks most places require at least a year in advance wish you the best of luck op

Certainly someone offered to pay more than you for that day. Money is everything. Sorry OP. That place deserves bad publicity.

If you both agreed to the date you would use their facility and how much you are too pay them, then they are contractuall obligated to uphold their end of the agreement. Unless something happened to prevent them from letting you use their facility, (like it burnt down or flooded and won't be ready in time for you) you can sue them and have a judge enforce the contract.

You can't force a location owner to let you host even if you have a contract as the person replacing you for more money probably also has a contract. What you can do is force them to pay for the replacement venue even if it is much more expensive.

I suppose eight months seems like a long time, but depending on where and when you're getting married, it might not be. Unless they had a good reason for cancelling, the venue should look bad, not you. Hope you find another spectacular place soon. And best wishes for a happy marriage.

ohsnapword 21

You should really learn to grow up. Contracts are completely meaningless and are meant to be broken. How dare you expect someone to hold up their end of a deal, especially when you paid for it.