By Mr. Shawzy - 14/01/2009 13:09 - Canada

Today, the ugliest girl in school walked by me and said "ewwww". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 436
You deserved it 9 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should've punched her in the mouth then apologized to her by saying you thought she was a male.

mizled 0

Does that make you the ugliest person...?


busybee23 0

You called her ugly so she called you ugly. Karma is a bitch. Get over it.

hcolovex0x 0

You think she's ugly and she thinks your ugly. That's what happens when you are a moron to someone. YDI

videogamejunkie 0
Stephai 0

Maybe you were holding up a mirror.

Maybe she was saying eww because she thought of something nasty. Or maybe there was a huge bug near you, or a kid with a huge crusty pimple and a gross booger or something. Unless you're sure that she was looking directly at you and/or said your name, you have nothing to worry about.

Say what you want, but she's probably prettier than you on the inside. How can you be positive she was looking at you? Anyway, does NOBODY care that he called someone the ugliest girl in school? Imagine being labeled that, it's just horrible.

The first few people to reply are idiots.