By teach - 05/02/2009 00:40 - Canada

Today, at the elementary school where I teach, the kids all voted for their favorite teacher. I was the only one to receive zero votes. When I asked a small group of students why no one voted for me, one boy replied "because you're the ugliest". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 837
You deserved it 4 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kids can be so sincere that hurts sometimes. hope you can deal with the situation in a good way...


Dr_Phil 0

There's always plastic surgery.

those cocksuckers. you should of punted one of them as an example to the others

kids can be so sincere that hurts sometimes. hope you can deal with the situation in a good way...

lemonkid44 0

2 votes!! don't worry about what those kids say

I think its a bigger FML that you got over 500 "you deserved it" votes. That sucks harder.

Listen2Music 0

aww thts so mean but maybe there just a bunch of little kids with bad judgement??

ayshren 0

Kids are prime examples of bad parenting sometimes. Uggh. My kids know if they EVER said something like that to someone...I would beat their butts!