By Nixontones - 14/10/2011 15:09 - United States

Today, I have been pissing blood for 2 hours, ever since some douche in a Nixon mask ran up and slugged me in the kidney. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 059
You deserved it 2 521

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hope you are posting this from a hospital bed. Get well soon.

alliewillie 22

Might wanna get that checked out...


Hope you are posting this from a hospital bed. Get well soon.

You didn't go to the hospital the first time you noticed..? GO NOW.

13FTW 9

I'm sorry 10 but, I can't take anyone who's nickname is "Gangsta bieber" seriously.

18 - exactly what i was thinking. i read that and said, 'oh god, no'.

Great. Another Beiber whose balls havn't dropped yet. I guess holloween came early this year, OP.

13FTW 9

24, my reaction was more like "and you're proud of that shit? GTFO of America bitch!" very similar reactions though.

enonymous 8

Are we sure it's blood? It could be Kool Aid.

dammit, enon! Now I just picture OP saying "Ohhhh yeeeaah" while peeing.

HowAreYouToday 34

Now I picture cool aid man pissing... -.- thanx a lot

#1 couldn't have said it better myself. Get well soon. And if you aren't at a hospital, you might want to go now. That sounds serious. Good luck man.

So Ethan is a doctor now too? If you get hard enough in the kidneys, you'll piss blood. It's obviously not normal, but also not a huge deal. No need to GO NOW. You'll be okay.

What Nixon said as he committed this deed. DAMN HIPPIES!!!!!

Revolutionary way of donating blood will come soon one day

Bravo11 - and you ARE a doctor? According to your profile, you're 15. You don't know the first ******* thing about medicine. The reality is that urinating blood is NEVER normal, and it is potentially a huge deal because it could be a sign of a SERIOUS injury to the kidney. It isn't something that should ever be brushed off. This isn't a scratch on your knee, nitwit. He's peeing blood.

tittymagic 0

Wait, peeing blood isn't normal? Shit

soccerchicx9x 5

Except for girls........ > _

... Wtf... why would you claim beiber? What about OP or something straight. I wouldn't laugh even if you took the name pony master, or something. Lmao

Oh my god -___- thats what some fags said.. I just put for some stupid reason.

HisAngel6511 11

125- Girls don't pee blood... O_O

Of course they don't. They pee and poop butterflies.

n_epic_fail 14

That was suppose to be a secret!

if it went on for 2 hours straight that would be one hell of an impressive bladder.

Thebestman123 3

Yeah, peeing blood only happened to me after a helmet hit during football to my abdomen, doctors said it was normal and to come back in three to four days if it didn't stop.

It's ok, it was Nixon. That man is allowed to do anything!

MasterE56 4

The only good that came out of Watergate was a man that calls himself Deepthroat. For some reason I feel that the name is sufficient enough for the joke.

alliewillie 22

Might wanna get that checked out...

HowAreYouToday 34

Might?! That's some serious shit! (well... Piss)

"NIxon's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!"


Dude I feel you. Nixon is ******* scary!

IDontKnow10101 14

94 - I normally don't comment on comments about comments, but I have to say, what you said there was extremely clever. Alright, I'll just go back to my corner now.

Xquisite1 28

Please see a doctor quickly. after the first bloody piss you took that should of been your first thought. There's nothing normal about peeing out blood, even a UTI can become dangerous if left untreated.

It could be any number of problems, all of which require a doctor's care. This is not one of those things that will get better with rest & liquids...OP, please see a doctor ASAP. Remember: Houdini was injured doing his stunts many times. He didn't die from a magic trick (despite what a certain biopic would have you believe). He died, after being punched in the gut. Good luck, OP.

JinxosGirl87 0

Didn't he have an erupted appendix?

soccerchicx9x 5

Only question is...what did you learn? Have a walking buddy :p

He learned... not to be a democrat. God damn democrats...

Stay away from creepers in Nixon masks?

Vote for Nixon, even when he isn't in the election next time. :3

perdix 29

At least he didn't stick you with his Tricky Dick.

I think this is the only decent comment Perdix has ever made.^^^