By Username - 21/12/2010 05:09

Today, my boyfriend asked me to have phone sex with him. However, it seems he doesn't quite know what it is, so now he wants me to explain it to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 603
You deserved it 4 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Step one: Slide the cell phone into a condom. Safety first.

I tried phone sex once. The holes were way too small.



Tell him to ring a 1800-sex-chat line, they'll teach him for as little as $2.95 a minute! Plus the standard $5 connection fee.


yes. of course you would know.

thats phone sex!! why have I been inserting a nokia up my ass all this time! :s

15: Because you have a shitty taste in phones.

lionandthelamb61 9

The good thing about phone sex is that you can explain it and do it all at once!!

On the other hand, when you extrude it, nobody will notice.

lilgirly89102 0

Aww he wants you to be his first<3

It seems he was being literal when he said phone sex.

The problem would be compounded if, in frustration with his questions, the OP told her boyfriend, "Shove it up your ass." He'd likely take this literally, too.

Step one: Slide the cell phone into a condom. Safety first.

Ahahaa. Step 2. Don't forget to lube up. Step 3. Set to vibrate.... I think you can see where this is going.

I work at pizza hit as a cook. we have another pizza coming out called the big spacer or big dip something like that once the big Italy is gone and after Christmas stuff crust will be $10.