By Waiter - 04/07/2010 10:03 - France

Today, the guy I've been dating for 3 years got engaged to a woman I can't stand. I work as a waiter at a catering company, they hired the company and requested me as a server for their engagement party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 159
You deserved it 6 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fodyshark 0

why would u be dumb enough to date a guy dating someone else. pretty stupid smh.


rellik220 4

Poison her food!! Make it look like the chef did it!! The bitch deserves it though for stealing him away from you... so good luck with that!

YDI for joining two independent clauses with a comma.

Filipina_Babe 0

so your biggest concern is that they hired you to cater... not the fact that the guy you've been dating for 3 years is proposing to someone else??

Real easy, say you've got a stomach bug and things are coming out badly. ANYONE who has a sickness bug should not work with food or drink because of the health and safety risk of contamination. Then send them a nice big engagement card saying how you're so sorry you had to miss his party because you would have LOVED to have seen him. Make no mention of her. Guaranteed she won't want you anywhere near her wedding plans ever again!!!

Now is the time for revenge! You can get rid of him, and make it look like an "accident"! "Oh, we just found out that the icing on the cake had too much bromine for the yellow coloring... Everybody stop eating the cake!"

Whoa whoa whoa , OP says the guy she's been dating for 3 years got engaged -- to another woman? Isn't that an fml all on it's own ????

MichaelJackson10 0

; LMFAO ! Now Thats Funny < / 3

well,he did that on purpose! you broke up before their engagement or he engaged all the while dating you? He's an ASSHOLE! Just begin a new life then,what an ass