By Jeri - 12/02/2010 08:41 - United States

Today, the day of my 29th birthday and two weeks after our 10th wedding anniversary, the only thing my husband got me for my birthday was divorce papers. Happy birthday, bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 657
You deserved it 4 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh please. I'm 22 and have been with my fiancee since we were 14. We've been living on our own for four years. We're getting married this year. We're in the real world. I'm a teacher, he's an engineer. People can know love at a young age and that love can last a lifetime. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean others don't. Our relationship has lasted longer than many people who get married in their 30's.

NeonWar__ 0


NeonWar__ 0
Crowleyyy 0

Probably shouldn't of been a bitch. I like his style.

I agree- take half his shit- why couldn't he be nice about it? I'm sorry girl! guys are assholes!!!

divorce courts almost always favor women

don't worry divorce courts almost always favor women

#15 - I earned the "Straight-Up Asshole" achievement in thread #8045354 earlier this week, so I agree with you.

um no im not i would never do shit like that thats jus inconsiderate and rude

got married at the age of 18 and made it ten years atleast

yessirfosho 0

You have no idea why he wants a divorce yet you automatically think she should get half his shit. Yet men are assholes. ******* ****.

And I'd divorce you too with a dike name like Jeri.

Not all guys are asshole. I could say all women are bitches but they aren't. Im sure a woman could do just the same thing. If not more likely to do it.

It's also stupid to think it was the guys fault that they got divorced. Hey, women ate bitches right? please...before anyone spazzes out on me it's just a joke.

Well it sounds like she has no ******* idea why he wants a divorce either. Regardless of his reason, he has piss poor timing and is a super douche. If he wants a divorce because he's been having an affair, then **** yes she deserves half of his shit.

maybe because you're a shady cheating ***** like all the rest. quit playing innocent bitch, it's ALL your fault.

This mode made me and I'm sure most guys roll our eyes.

Sorry to flood. Unless he had an affair or did something really terrible, there's no need to take everything he has. Ever think about him? Of course not. Not many women do think about the other side. So whoever thinks it would be a good idea to take everything from him is seriously an evil bitch.

3DLoli 0

34: I love you. Let's have a threesome with GLADoS. kthnxbai.

just because she didn't say it in the post doesn't mean she doesn't know why...

blueeyes24 0

It's doesn't matter why 87 the point is you don't serve her papers on her birthday... maybe he isn't happy and maybe she did do something but that is just spiteful... he could have waited!

ComMed 0

that's bc they blow the judge before they get their load (of cash)

Josher47 0

And you know that it was the guys fault? They did get married at 18...

Enoch134 0

hahaha I aproved this one i'm so proud lol

people like #117 are complete douche bags and need to go suck a huge ****

LTMcleod 0

you damn women are leeches, your incapable of making your own money so you marry the guy, and when you divorce, you get half of his shit? **** that!

Boygenius50 8

Awww why is 87's comment hidden? With all these whiners^^^ I'm really curious. And I'm on my iPod so I can't see it!

Men rarely initiate divorce proceedings. She must've done something pretty serious to deserve it. Cheated lately?

why are you on the internet?! YOU SHOULD BE IN THE ******* KITCHEN MAKING A ******* SANDWICH FOR A MAN! NOW GET BACK TO WORK YOU *****!

Silense_is_loud 0

wow that's gotta hurt he minus well freaking **** all over ur face while ur sleeping ouch! ji lol. u get it?

bluesclues72 0

105: Since when did all women start eating dogs? Oh yeah, when your mom started riding cocks. PROOFREAD! I know my comment makes no sense, btw

Perhaps you married a little bit too early you ****. I'm guessing that the OP was pregnant at 16.

Agreed with #86. FYL, and he's an ass, but you got married at 18... you did beat the odds by lasting nearly 10 years.

DuckOnAStick 0
TheBlakester419 0
TrekkieGirl 0

Wow that sucks! Hopefully things will get better for you, OP.

NewJoisey 0

thats pretty weak. what a douche.. sorry for you tho

rhcpfan 0

i don't know about getting a divorce but hey all my friends ditched me on my birthday, too.

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My first guess, she was probably pregnant. Or thought he was rich, but I'm still betting on pregnant.

bubblebee2007 0

she deserves it for getting married at 18. that shit never works haha

I'm 19, I'm married, and I just got pregnant after being married for a few months...... mayyyyyybe she loved him??? perhaps?? maybe??

bubblebee2007 0

you're still 19 hunnie, you don't know what the real world is like. have fun getting a divorce in a few years ;]

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Oh please. I'm 22 and have been with my fiancee since we were 14. We've been living on our own for four years. We're getting married this year. We're in the real world. I'm a teacher, he's an engineer. People can know love at a young age and that love can last a lifetime. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean others don't. Our relationship has lasted longer than many people who get married in their 30's.

I believe her I have had young teachers when in school before some as young as 21 before he had just graduated but still proves it is possible, and as long as they can make money to live life shows they can be together, I mean come on I am tired of such stuck up idiots in the world now a days saying age shows how much you love someone and wanna be with someone thats not how love works, No you do not fall in love within a few days weeks and all this other time that people talk about but if together for such a long time you can be young and in love just not like oh I'm in middle school love lol

Those are called "Student Teachers." They don't make any money you dipshit. There's no way that she could be 22 and an EXPERIENCED teacher. She has to be in her first year of teaching or hasn't even graduated yet, like wilshires said.

stacianichole 2

my parents got married when they were 18. they're still together 37 years later. take that.

my parents got married when my mom was 18 and they're still going strong almost 20 years later

YDI for marrying so young. He could have done it with more tact I'll agree to that

Agreed. You're an idiot for marrying at 18 and therefore totally deserve this as you should have seen it coming.

hey, they DID last 10 years. Most young marriages don't make it past one year. So she doesn't deserve the divorce on her birthday because she got married. Maybe they got married and then had kids and the flames of passion slowly died down over 10 years and he was bored. You can't honestly think that they are getting divorced for the same reason young marriages don't last. It's most likely something more.

EllyH 0

I agree, she didn't deserve this... And I think 10years of marriage is quite good, but you would think that after that amount of time that he could have brought down the news with alittle more respect. but on the other hand, if she... lets say.. cheated on him with his brother/best mate or something, then she should have seen this coming at any time...