By piper55 - 10/05/2019 14:00

Today, for the first time in a month, I talked to someone in person besides my grandmother and my husband. It was a store clerk calling me "Miss" and asking if I was finding everything okay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 560
You deserved it 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TxKitten79 10

You sound isolated, and depressed about it. Find a group to join like a book club or something. If you have school aged kids start volunteering at the school. If you have younger kids join a mommy and me group. Just find SOMETHING that puts you in some sort of in-person social group.

bloopaloop 27

Concur. And btw, book clubs are really wine clubs.


TxKitten79 10

You sound isolated, and depressed about it. Find a group to join like a book club or something. If you have school aged kids start volunteering at the school. If you have younger kids join a mommy and me group. Just find SOMETHING that puts you in some sort of in-person social group.

bloopaloop 27

Concur. And btw, book clubs are really wine clubs.

TxKitten79 10

Are you offended that the store clerk didn’t guess your marital status correctly? Or that they didn’t know your name?

That's what I hoped to figure out in this comments section: why would being called "miss" be an FML? And now you're getting downvotes for asking... I grow ever more confused. To everyone telling her she should get out more: A, I'm sure that has occured to her ffs (obvious advice is just so condescending, grr), and B, maybe she isn't withdrawing she's been sick or something and had no CHOICE but to stay home. Y'all are assuming a lot based on a two sentence post.

bloopaloop 27

I’m sure there are lots of hot singles in your area waiting to meet you.

OP's hubby might not be too keen on that idea for her though....

Could've been worse - eg, your local county jailer telling you that the standard fare of Bologna sandwiches will be served at 5pm for dinner....

Do you have a hobby? Then find others to meet with and talk with. Introvert? I am, I've got a small circle of people I talk to.

I'm sorry that the cult you joined doesn't allow you to have conversations with anyone but them. Did you sneak to the public library to get access to the internet to post this? or are you completely unable to make conversation with literally billions of people that you have access to?