By NotBuyingATractor - 02/09/2015 02:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, a customer service guy called to fix a problem I've been having with my phone. When it transpired that he couldn't help, he transferred me to another representative. This other representative ended up being a John Deere dealer in Michigan. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 646
You deserved it 1 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

John Deere stands behind all of their equipment... Except for their manure spreader

How does that even happen?! Always sucks having to call because you always get transferred from one person to another


Was the customer service line based outside of the U.S.?

UhHuhHoney 20

He was probably referring to the phone company

Yes I was referring to the customer service guy for the phone company....

well that's Indian customer service for ya.

How does that even happen?! Always sucks having to call because you always get transferred from one person to another

You'd be surprised. In my city one of the cell phone dealerships and a fast food joint have the same number and the city hasn't fixed this problem in several months.

Serious question, how does that work? If you call the number, which business does it go to?

It actually goes to whoever picks up first because both phones ring at the same time.

John Deere stands behind all of their equipment... Except for their manure spreader

The correct term, for said piece of equipment, is "Politician".

Maybe they were having problems with their phone as well.

To instal a phone on your tractor? Because that would be awesome.

pleasedie 22

His way of telling you to f*** off and become a country bumpkin who doesn't care about technology.

F*ckin right man, sh*tty customer service people can suck my d*ck

I'm sorry but we "country bumpkins" already have self driving farm machinery.

Remind me to do that if I can't fix a problem from now on. So much easier.

lol I'm glad sh*@ like this happens to other people also.